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One of my accomplishment in the Navy(show off)

This is a Drill! Man your battle station!...Mwhahaha!
Most of my collections covers different period of Military history. I started with WW2 and concentrated only with the Americans. I started browsing the internet to get more information about the different action figures available in the market and was fascinated with what I found. So I started back tracking through history to find out the accuracy of all the action figures out there; like their uniforms, weapons, etc. Through reading some of military history, I learned a lot of interesting events that transpired through out the years and as a result, I started buying German soldiers from WW2 and build my first diorama. At that point I joined the 21st Century toys Comm Center and started going nuts about different figures. Right now I have 5 Dioramas. Yes! I need to be in full battle gear to control my growing addiction to my hobby.