The Force of one episode 5
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Episode 9
The next day....

Lucifer: You went too far that time, make one more mistake and I'll blow your head off.
Christian: What else is there Lucifer? I told you the reason why I shot him.
All of the sudden, the whole crew came in the room...
Scorpion: That's mess up, you bloody bleeding english man. You can jeopardize our mission.
Lucifer: Take it easy guys, everything is under control.
Christian: SO WHAT???
Villain: You got some guts to talk like that. I'll see you after we get evrything situated.

JJ: Sorry to interrupt, but we got some guest... Look out the window....

Frank Castle: It's time to rcok and roll... Lucifer and friends your time has come...

Christian: So what now? you guys still want my bloody head?
Scorpion: I will get you.
Matilda: Settle down boys, we got some business to attend to...
Lucifer: Stop yapping and let's go!!!